Monday, April 21, 2008

A nice way to spend an afternoon...

I went visiting the mother of my classmate. She was warm as I have always known her to be despite all her worries or health problems. I remember how a whole lot of us would descend at their home. There was food and more food. The father was a man of few words, hardly spoke but the moment he saw all of us he would disappear either to the garden only to come back armed with fresh fruits or to the nearby bakery and once again make an appearance with baked goodies. Both of them would constantly be ensuring that we were well fed at at regular half hour intervals. My friend moved abroad to study and settle down there ultimately. But the good times we had at their house draws me to visit the mother once in a while, though not as frequently as I wish to.

There is another 'mother' who showers affection on me. Here, on most occasions, it was only I who went visiting and got treated like their own. It was a different experience altogether. My friend was the eldest in the family and her opinion was sought for every issue. When I was present, my views would also be taken into consideration. Very different from home, where I was the youngest and most matters were not discussed in my presence! She had three younger brothers who also gave me a lot of respect. Even to this day, when I meet them they greet me with a namaste didi. The mother holds both my hands in her own and not let go for a very long time. It feels good.

I wonder how many friends of my children will come visiting us. I am sure I will look forward to their visits.

1 comment:

  1. How is Divi aunty's mummy? How come you are doing all the visitings???


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