Sunday, March 15, 2009

If you want to be happy ....

An excerpt of an article that appeared in The Hindu , by Shyam. He has quoted Warren Buffet, in an informal Q&A session with MBA students at the Richard Ivy School of Business in Canada. :
I am also reproducing the quote as it appears in the article, makes good reading and good sense.

What can you possibly do with billions of dollars? The problem in life is not getting rich, but finding things you enjoy and living a normal life. The most important thing is finding the right spouse. If you make the wrong decision on that you will regret it, there is a lot of pain involved; but if you have the right spouse it is just wonderful. What qualities do you look for in a spouse? Humour, looks, character, brains, money or just someone who is simple with low expectations? The most important decision that you will make is that. If you make that one decision right I will guarantee you a good result in life.

One of the things I use with students is, I ask you to imagine that I am going to give you an hour and in that hour you have to pick one of your classmates to own 10 per cent of for the rest of your life, or even better someone whom you have to work with for the rest of your life and another person whom you would short-sell or disassociate yourself with. Now, on the buy-side you list the qualities of the person who you want to own a share of or partner with and on the sell-side you list the qualities of the person whom you want to disassociate yourself from. On the buy side, you won’t necessarily pick the person who is richest, first in your class or the one with the highest IQ; you will pick out the human being that is going to be effective, sincere, generous, humorous and forgiving. On the sell-side, you would pick the person whose qualities turn you off. It could be selfishness, hypocrisy, envy, short temper or any other negative attribute. It is such an elementary proposition.

Everybody, absent some terrible illness or tragic death, has a passion for happiness. A spouse is the most important thing.

It is important to have a job you love, it’s not so important how much you make at it.

PS:I do not find it necessary to give my take on this. Nothing more need be said.

1 comment:

  1. nice one ..I always found how he sees making wealth as separate from living a wealthy life. He is known to be living in a small house which he owns from ages ago and using an old car. An uber-wealthy guy who is not a slave to its lure.


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